First Annual Alternative Paper Conference

April 4, 1998

Bates College

Lewiston, Maine

For more information contact Heather Burt of CURE by email Address: CURE, POB 100, Edgecomb, ME 04556. Phone: 207-882-6848.

Press information about the conference, including the press release, a sample news story, and a public service announcement.


  1. Conference Sponsors
  2. Conference Schedule
  3. Conference Mission
  4. Conference Updates

Conference Sponsors:

This Conference is made possible in part by a generous grant from Patagonia, Inc.

Conference Schedule:

9:00-10:00 Registration

9:45-10:00 Opening Remarks

10:00-10:30 Keynote Address--Andy Kerr

Tree-free in '03--Seeing the Trees for the Forest

Andy Kerr, former Executive Director of the Oregon Natural Resources Council (ONRC), serves on the Board of the North American Industrial Hemp Council, a coalition of businesses, environmentalists, paper companies, and farmers. Mr. Kerr is well versed in paper issues and sees industrial hemp as an important sustainable and environmentally-friendly fiber source for paper.



10:45-11:00 Introduction of Speakers

11:00-12:15 Overview of Alternative Choices:

I. Post-consumer Waste Paper

Gayle Briggs, Maine Buy Recycled Association.

The Maine Buy Recycled Business Association is a state chapter of the National Buy Recycled Business Alliance and is a state chapter of the Maine Chamber and Business Alliance and the Center for Technology Transfer. They are working in Maine to get consumers to "close the loop" and buy recycled materials.

II. Chlorine-free Paper Processing

Anne Hagstrom, Staff Attorney -- Natural Resources Council of Maine

The Natural Resources Council of Maine took the lead in addressing chlorine and dioxin in Maine's environment and paper making.

III. Agricultural Fibers

Meghan Clancy-Hepburn, Campaigns Director -- Wood Reduction Clearinghouse

The Wood Reduction Clearinghouse is a non-profit organization working nationwide to educate the public about alternatives to virgin wood fiber use.

(15 Minutes for Questions)



1:30-2:45 Panel Discussions Session #1

(Choose One)

I. Alternative Fibers in Maine -- A Market in Growing Flax, Industrial Hemp, and Other Annual Fibers for Paper

II. Printing on Alternative Paper Fibers -- Technical Advice for Commercial Printers, Businesses, and Organizations Choosing Non-wood and Totally Chlorine-free Papers

III. Chlorine-free Papers -- Getting Dioxin Out of Our Businesses, Campuses, and the Environment



3:00-4:15 Panel Discussions Session #2

(Choose One)

I. The Agricultural Community and Government Working Together Toward Sustainable Paper Fibers and Jobs in New England

II. Paper Choices for College Campuses -- What Works, What Doesn't

III. The Role of Alternative Fibers in Preserving Our Forests and Ecosystems

4:30-5:00 Closing Remarks

Additional Speakers Include:

Greg Barber (PCW 100), Steve Salois (Lindenmeyr Munroe). John Harker (Maine Department of Agriculture), Will Sugg (Forest Ecology Network) Kelly Sheehan (Campus Ecology Program, National Wildlife Federation), Peter Hopkins (Representing Crane Paper Company), Joyce Kravetz (Independent Agent, Recycled Office Products), and Bob Kearney (United States Postal Service).

Many Other Experts Have Been Invited from Businesses, Paper Companies, Colleges, Agricultural Associations, Environmental Organizations, and the Government.

Conference Mission:

The mission of the Alternative Paper Conference is to bring students, farmers, environmentalists, government officials, alternative paper producers, printers, and others concerned about paper production together to learn more about alternative fibers and their potential benefits for Maine's economy and environment.

Maine has the potential to maintain its position as a leading paper producer in this nation, but in order to do so must begin to make choices which are sustainable. Paper companies are looking elsewhere and to other fibers for their paper producing needs. We, as Maine citizens, have the opportunity to make choices which may keep companies' investments here.

The First Annual Alternative Paper Conference is a starting point where we can learn about our paper choices and begin to create a vision for a sustainable economy and environment.

For more information contact Heather Burt of CURE by email to Phone: 207-882-6848.

Links to resources on Alternatives Fibers and Wood Conservation.

Return to Forest Ecology Network Home Page.