Please download or print this file, fill it out, and mail it to us. You can fax it if paying by credit card to 207-628-5741.
The purpose of the Forest Ecology Network is to protect, preserve, and defend the native forest environment of Maine through public awareness, grassroots citizen activism, and education. Your contributions and involvement are essential to the success of our efforts. Membership benefits include a subscription to our newspaper The Maine Woods, educational field trips, and enrollment in a bioregional FEN chapter. Contributions to FEN (a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization) are tax deductible.
Membership Categories: ____ $25 Seedling ____ $35 Sapling ____$50 Tree ____ $100* Grove ____ $500* Forest ____ Other $ ________ ____ Please sign me up for the FEN Action Fax/Email Alert List. I can't afford a donation but would like to be involved.
Name: _______________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________
City, State, Zipcode: ____________________________________
Phone: ______________________ Fax: ____________________
Email address: ________________________________________
VISA/MC accepted as payment.
Charge my VISA/MC # ______________________________________ Exp. _______
Make checks payable to the Forest Ecology Network or FEN.
Please enclose payment and a note describing your interest in FEN. Let us know if you'd like to volunteer. Forest Ecology Network, 336 Back Road, Lexington Township, ME 04961. Phone: 207-628-6404. Fax: 207-628-5741. Email:
336 Back Road, Lexington Township, Maine 04961 phone: 207-265-6686 email: