While we did well with signature collection on election day, we still have work ahead to collect the remainder of the needed 42,000 signatures of registered voters by August 2001 if we are to get this referendum on the ballot for 2002. We are looking for volunteers willing to commit to collecting 100 signatures before the filing deadline. or Paul Donahue or Teresa Wood at 255-6542 or via email at meenviro@nemaine.com More information about the Pesticide-Free Forests Campaign
and pesticides in general can be found on the Forest Ecology
Network's website at: http://www.powerlink.net/fen
P.O. Box 2218 Augusta, Maine 04338 Please contact us at 623-7140 (phone and fax) or fen@powerlink.net to to help. We can not succeed without you! Thanks. |
283 Water Street, 3rd floor, P.O. Box 2118, Augusta, Maine 04338 phone: 207-628-6404 fax - 207-628-5741 email: fen@powerlink.net