If you follow environmental issues in Maine, you can now have all the headlines emailed to you fresh every morning. Links to all the latest articles, reports, action alerts and press releases from Maine newspapers, environmental organizations, and government agencies are then just a click away. The daily email update version of Maine Environmental News is brief (20-30 lines) and is delivered to your email box by 9am Monday through Friday. The service is free and your address will never be given out to anyone. http://www.meepi.org is designed to be your 'launch pad' for all the best the World Wide Web has to offer. One click takes you to the latest national and international environmental news, as well as to useful resources ranging from the New England weather radar loop to Uncle Henry's Online to CNN.com. Also listed are Internet searching engines, plus extensive links to resources and to all organizations working on environmental issues in Maine. "Very impressive. It's great to see one source for environmental news in Maine." Melanie West, Audubon Expedition Institute. "First rate .... greatly expands my coverage of Maine environmental news. An excellent site." Sam Hays, Sierra Club. "I love having my computer open up to the news I'm most
interested in. Thanks for a great service." Mort Mather,
Wells. Make Maine Environmental News your home page and/or sign up for the daily email update service at http://www.meepi.org. Maine Environmental Policy Institute |
283 Water Street, 3rd floor, P.O. Box 2118, Augusta, Maine 04338 phone: 207-628-6404 fax - 207-628-5741 email: fen@powerlink.net