Forest Ecology Network
Ready for a flight over the north Maine woods with
the Norcross Foundation. Left to right, Warren Balgooyen, Dan
Donahue, and Rudy Engholm.. Photo by Jonathan Carter. |
A recent clearcut in the Maine woods, photographed
during an overflight with the Norcross Foundation. Photo by
Jonathan Carter. |
Another clearcut photographed during an
overflight with the Norcross Foundation. Photo by Jonathan
Carter. |
Jonathan Carter, Dir. FEN, was invited
to present at a national summit in Dallas on challenging corporate
power and demanding accountability. The summit was sponsored
by Rainforest Action Network,
Co-op America, and
Greenpeace USA. Jonathan
presented and shared with others from across the nation his experiences
in Maine dealing with the millions of dollars spent by the paper
corporations to subvert democracy. The title of his talk, "The
Citizen Initiative as a Political Spike" focused on the
success of taking on the most powerful corporate forces in Maine.
Jonathan also shared with the several hundred attendees the efforts
in Maine to promote democracy through Maine's first in the nation
Clean Elections Act. In addition, Jonathan discussed the efforts
on the part of Maine citizens to bring about corporate accountability
through statutory changes restricting corporations from maximizing
profit at the expense of the environment, worker rights, health
and safety, and the well-being of communities. The conference
concluded with an action against ExxonMobil which was concurrently
holding its annual shareholder meeting in Dallas. At the shareholder
meeting activists introduced resolutions which called on Exxon-Mobil
to develop a non-discrimination policy based on sexual orientation,
to respect the Arctic by reevaluating plans to drill for oil
and gas in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, to connect executive
compensation to environmental and social performance and to limit
the disparity of pay between management and workers, and finally
to develop a policy to promote renewable energy.
The American Lands Alliance report
on the state of Eastern Forests established that eastern
forests are now being more heavily logged than western forests.
The report also documented that Maine forests harvesting rates
are among the highest in the nation. Jonathan Carter, Dir. of
FEN, set up meetings with Maine's congressional delegation to
discuss and give them copies of the report. Jonathan's message
was very clear, "either stop the overcutting and start the
process of restoration or Maine will continue to suffer ecological
and economic decline". Jonathan also pointed out to Snowe,
Collins, Allen, and Baldacci that federal funding for restoration,
the Maine Woods National Park being primary, could not only help
improve northern Maine's economy, but could make a significant
contribution to the nations reduction in global greenhouse gases.
Jonathan also met with Rep. Mark Udall of Colorado, and Sen.
Lincoln Chaffee of Rhode Island.
Lunch break at the fire warden's cabin on the
hike up Mt. Abraham. Photo by Jonathan Carter. |
This summer FEN members gathered to climb
Mt. Abraham in the Longfellow Range and Mt. Number Four, east
of Moosehead and in the heart of the Maine Woods National Park.
The climbs provided an opportunity to view old-growth spruce
and mature northern forest types. In addition, forest vegetational
changes associated with increased elevation were examined. The
trips also provided and opportunity to view continued industrial
forest practices. Clearcuts and shelterwoods were very visible,
particularly on the backside of Mt. Abraham and north of Mt.
Number Four.
Tree-hugger on Mt. Abraham hike. Photo by Jonathan
Carter. |
FEN group atop Mt. Abraham. Photo by
Jonathan Carter. |
In July Warren Balgooyen led a FEN outing
to look at champion trees. Massive white pines, birch, oak, and
boxelder were visited. Warren also had the group visit the Kennebec
Highlands where 5,000 acres have been purchased to protect the
largest single tract of land left in central Maine. See Warren's
article on the Kennebec
Warren and Steven Balgooyen and Bjorn Langeon
on hike up #4 Mountain, in the heart of the proposed Maine Woods
National Park. Photo by Jonathan Carter. |
Brian Keegstra and Bjorn Lange examine champion
Paper Birch. Photo by Jonathan Carter. |
Unfortunately, FEN's coastal hawk-watching
filed trip was plagued by poor winds and inclement weather. We
hope to run this trip again next year.